The event Namaste YUVA 2020 was organized by Hindu YUVA volunteers from Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), Georgia State University (GSU) and, the University of Georgia (UGA) on Saturday, August 8th, 2020. The event’s purpose was to welcome freshmen students to their respective universities who were transitioning from high school to college life. Further, the event helped us in introducing Hindu YUVA, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), and the university shakha to these incoming students. The event was held in an online format via Zoom.The event included ice-breakers, presentations on Hindu YUVA and HSS, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms for resolving personal queries.
Furthermore, a video was prepared and shown to all participants during the event, which showcased the various activities conducted by the GT Hindu YUVA team over the past years. Questions about getting accustomed to college life,different opportunities on-campus to practice Hinduism, and balancing studies with Hindu YUVA activities were addressed during the Q&A session.
In total, eight rising freshmen and two rising sophomore students attended the event as guests.Further, six Hindu YUVA karyakartas from GT, two Hindu YUVA karyakartas from GSU, and one Hindu YUVA karyakarta from UGA also participated in the event as part of the organizing team.